& /components/POIPage.mhtml, version=>'1', new=>'2012-07-28', updated=>'2012-07-29', license=>'CC-NC-SA', author=>'Richard Welty', owner=>'NA Websites', locationName=>"Fort Sumter", campaigns=>@campaigns, websites=>@websites, references=>@references, books=>@books, type=>'fortification', id=>'fortssumter-index', introduction=>'
Fort Sumter is notable as the site of the first shots fired in the American Civil War. Fort Sumter is a Third System Fort, construction of which started in 1829. The fort was part of an extensive array of harbor fortifications, including Fort Moultrie which were incomplete at the start of the war. > ', visitorsNotes=>'
Ferries travel to Fort Sumter from two locations, the Visitor\'s Center on the Charleston watefront, and the museum at Patriots Point. The address below is for the Visitor\'s Center.
', searchStreetAddr=>'340 Concord Street', searchCity=>'Charleston', searchState=>'SC', searchZip=>'29401', searchCountry=>'us', dates=>'1829-1898', timeZone=>'EST/EDT (-0500/-0400)', latitude=>'32.752432', longitude=>'-79.874664', elevation=>'sea level', &> <%init> my @campaigns = []; my @websites = [ { url=>'http://www.nps.gov/fosu/index.htm', text=>'Fort Sumter National Monument (National Park Service Website)' }, { url=>'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Sumter', text=>'Wikipedia' }, { url=>'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seacoast_defense_in_the_United_States', text=>'Seacoast Defense in the United States (Wikipedia)', } ]; my @references = [ ]; my @books = [ ]; %init>