The exhibit space on the main floor of the museum is fully accessible. The restrooms and the research center are in the basement and are not currently accessible.
& /components/POIPage.mhtml, version=>'1', new=>'2021-08-18', updated=>'', license=>'CC-NC-SA', author=>'Richard Welty', owner=>'NA Websites', locationName=>"New York State Military Museum and Veterans Research Center", campaigns=>@campaigns, websites=>@websites, references=>@references, books=>@books, type=>'museum', id=>'nys-military-museum', introduction=>'
The New York State Military Museum contains a number of exhibits about the military and New York from the French and Indian Wars through Iraq and Afganistan. A variety of artifacts are on display. See the photo gallery to get an idea of what the museum has.
', visitorsNotes=>'', vnDisabled=>'The exhibit space on the main floor of the museum is fully accessible. The restrooms and the research center are in the basement and are not currently accessible.
The Museum is located in a former National Guard Armory.